Friday, January 22, 2010

Basketball Drills What Are Some Good Basketball Drills I Should Do?

What are some good basketball drills I should do? - basketball drills

What exercises can I do to improve in basketball? Training, including weightlifting or strength. Or just drop by with a basketball. Everything, even the simplest exercise or execution. And explain exactly how to proceed step by step. Please reply as soon as possible, and I am looking for better answers to the exercises in the best and most useful.


My_Name_... said...

For better control:

Practice dribbling in front of the TV in the garage for 1 month or a week.

For the best jumps:
However, the ankle or body weight can and throws in practice, or try soaking with the weight on the suspension to be achieved in a ring.

For the resistance
Laps around the basketball court before the game

Neil P said...

Some basic exercises

* Plenary Lay Down, Come Back by Crab

Crossover in midfield Lay up

Driving / Cross exercises are

* Cross in the free-kick over, in the middle of the intersection before the kick, and finally through the end of the court.

Maximum speed of dribbling. Until the court has left with his right hand down

Check start drilling on the one hand drops the foul line .. Look at the front boat cart for the back and then try again strongly behind / between the legs. Do not Look Down

My Favorite Drill

Balloon launch came with his left hand and right halves of the court. And ran back to the basket to put half of the boat to reverse a court for a layup, dribble free throws, until the last boat to the other end of the court back to the weak hand.

They helped me start love PG!

@#$%%$#@ said...

Get Right to ur Jumpshot beter was thrown at basketball and they get there for 20 times and nothing beter but net 20 times for a shot CRA UR. Only about 6 inches in front of the rim seems easy to say but if so, how NO. They also throw a heavy ball, they Jumprope all work, but the shooting DRILL I learned from a friend who played college basketball.

furlythi... said...

Good for me to shoot better and have better success rate in the period is to practice. How to move to the school or something, from 400 to 500 shots from all angles, and during filming in the summer, at 1000-2000 shots. It may be long but the reward is great!

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